Join us in daily prayer March 16, 2025

Spring, Edition!

Zion's Daily Prayers: WHO? WHAT? WOW! & WITNESS!


Evolving Prayer
Prayer is one of our core values at Zion. We are always seeking new ways to bring spiritual depth to our daily prayer life, to utilize prayer to draw us more closely together, and to bring us deeper into relationship with God. 

To encourage daily prayer by Zion’s members and friends, we take time during Sunday worship to lift up our spoken prayers. A member of the congregation will speak, and the pastor will affirm the spoken prayer by repeating it aloud. Consider balancing privacy with concern; using only first names when ever possible. Prayers from our 24-hour prayer line (315-791-2105) are added during worship.


For whom is your greatest concern? - Consider those who are sick, injured, mourning, or struggling with life.

Prayer Concerns:

Lori & Jack, Grayson, The Anderson family, Kim, Bev, Tom, Jackie, Teddy, Cecilia, Phil, Margery & Tom, Kathy, Jayden, Jane & daughter Kathy, Tom & Mary, Anita, Sherri, Wayne, Karen, Mike, Mary, Sara, Greg, Patty, Raymond, Amy, Jan, Kara, Nathan, Barb, Samantha, Angel, Gail, Michael, Rachelle, Wendy, Rick

  Please add your own ...]

(Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.)


What events, near and far, raise your greatest concerns?

Correctional officers, People with the Flu, People in California and North Carolina, Cold weather Blessing & Troubles for people, People Traveling, World events, Country, Church, Caregivers, Adults looking for Guidance, People of Israel/Palestine, families struggling with finances, Gun violence in Country, Peace, Ukraine and Russia, Families affected by inflation, Elected Officials, Children of the World, those with addictions, homeless in Rochester

[Please add your own]

(Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.) 

Joys WOW!

I give God thanks for ...

WITNESS! What are signs of God at work in your life? Consider evidence of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. - Galatians 5:22-23

[Please add your own]

Jennifer’s Birthday

Steve’s Birthday

Ongoing Prayers

(Please forward to Pastor Jeff or our Lay Leader, Sharon Boyd, any changes to our ongoing prayer lists. Contact information on Home Page

Our shut-ins and home bound

May we pray with you? May we pray for you? Use Zion's 24-hour prayer line: (315) 791-2105

May we pray with you? May we pray for you? Use Zion's 24-hour prayer line: (315) 791-2105

Russell Ruth - #28165055

FCI Allenwood Low, Federal Correctional Institute, P.O. Box 1000, White Deer, PA 17887

Please write your return address on his card or note. Thank you for your words of encouragement!

Note: all letters or cards must be in white envelopes; no glue or glitter on card/envelope. Book gifts must be sent from Barnes & Noble or a reputable book company (not Amazon).

Vision for Our Future

Be still. Stop thinking. Allow the Spirit of God to fill you. Listen for God to speak. Watch for God's will to be revealed. Where is God calling you? What is God asking you to do? Where is God calling the West Walworth: Zion United Methodist Church? What is God asking us to do?

Our Friends and Partners in Mission and Ministry

Friends finding comfort in our quilts, Williamson Come-Unity Center, Those served by the Victim Resource Center of the Finger Lakes, Our Guatemala friends, Our Telica friends, Our missionary family: The Satres, serving in Cameroon. Our Bishop, Mark Webb. Our District Superintendent, Vonda Fossitt.

Link to our Daily Devotional: "The Upper Room"